The weather these past few days has been intoxicatingly (is that a word?) awesome. I use the word intoxicating because it more or less has the same effect on me as a bender of an evening in regards to work. "Are you kidding me? Do I really have to go?"
Although it's safe to say that it doesn't take much to find me unhappy about going to work these days. I do the same thing every day, give or take maybe one or two things. When I was told there would be a lot of variety in this job, I really didn't think it was going to be the shuffling of a few meaningless things. The only thing I do that's not machine-like is post bullshit on internet message boards, screw with my fantasy baseball team, and read as much non financial related news as possible.
But back to the weather. It's sunny but brisk. Warm enough for short sleeves, but not without getting a few goosebumps while driving around with the windows open. Throughout my entire youth this is the weather that I've associated with new beginnings. Until age 18 it was a new school year. From 18-23 it was a new apartment, a new year of college, another round of youthful idiocy with my just barely grown up best friends. Even last year, it was the start of this new job. It's a bit discouraging that this amazing weather that I associate most with driving North on the Saw Mill Parkway in New York State on my way to Boston for all kinds of new beginnings has been met this past week with a ridiculous degree of sameness. I'm waking up in the same place, getting on the same bus to sit at my same desk and do the same work and... well, you get the idea. Why the hell do we spend our entire youth looking forward to growing up again?
Despite what the above words might appear to say about my current sentiment, I'm (1) excited to potentially have a new job in the pipeline that would solve a ton of my current issues with life should it work out (I'd say it's 50/50 at this point), (2) planning a November-ish trip to London all by my lonesome. I want to wander down ancient cobblestone streets with a notepad, a camera, and a slight buzz on to try and figure out just what in the hell it is that I'm doing with my life. Makes sense, right? And (3), really getting excited about playing in my new band and writing songs. So it's not all bad, really. I just always want more no matter what... which I hope is a good thing. --