Thursday, June 10, 2004

I don't know why it took me so long to actually command myself a copy of Single Frame Ashtray's 'Wetheads Come Running'. Better late then never. That's advice, folks. *

Being solitary all day long and most of the night makes my head wander down paths that I haven't allowed it to wander down much these past few years because of how goddamn busy I've been. Given the choice, I'd opt for the latter. Working hard enough to not have to try. The Good Life. Etc. *

That said, I'm still jobless. Still sitting in the sun. Still letting my head wander, fueled by bitter literature and hip music. *

This evening I'll be visiting some family in Kinnelon and later heading to Maxwell's in Hoboken to see Army of Me. A band I've never heard of. A band that nobody I'm going with has ever heard of. I'm psyched. --

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