Monday, September 19, 2005

I've received two text messages from Paul since he gained the feature on his phone. The first one, a few weeks ago while I was walking down 7th Avenue: "sno dome Cock floater!". And the second one, last night while I was watching Rome: "sno dome You are gay". Now that I look at it I'm sure the sno dome at the beginning is probably applied to all his text messages. At any rate, I wish he sent more. They're clearly worth the $0.02 incoming fee.*

I went to Boston this weekend for a friend's moving away party. The fact that he's moving to New York, will now be working in the same office building as me, and that I'll probably see him a few times a week wasn't enough to keep me from heading up for a party. It's been awhile since I've been to Boston.. and his departure is significant because the amount of people I know that still live there has been widdled down to very few. I'll guess that from here on in my trips to Boston will find me sleeping in hotel rooms, instead of people's floors and couches. I guess some might see that as a step in the right direction, but I disagree. I have a conflicted relationship with the place. I love it. Being there makes me want to move back there. But there's also a part of me that feels like I'm passed it and should embrace the bigger, badder New York. I've been slow out of the gate with that embracing.. but I think that in due time I'll step up to the plate. Just a few more months stowing away some loot and then it'll be on... *

On the way up I listened to the new and very forgettable Death Cab for Cutie album, Plans. I disliked the last two so I wasn't really surprised that I wasn't too in to this one.

While in Boston I picked up the new Sigur Ros, Mount Eerie, and a CD by a tri-state area band, The Ratchets. All three provided fucking excellent listening on my solitary drive home. The new Sigur Ros is definitely the cream of the crop, though. The songs are way shorter than usual.. but still pack the same emotional highs and lows as the older stuff. This is the first Sigur Ros album I don't feel like a total pussy for enjoying.

The new Mount Eerie is a winner musically... but lyrically it's almost cringe inducing. From what I can tell it's about a solitary camping trip Phil took in which he accidentally forgot his flashlight. For the most part he gets into how different things like lakes, mountains, etc. look different at night with no unnatural light. It's certainly an Elvrum-ish topic, but I don't feel like his elaborations offer up any insight like his obsessions of old and don't feel like it warrants an entire full-length. It's nowhere near the brilliance of The Glow Part 2, but I think that it's something I'll end up listening to often and enjoying more and more as time passes. I haven't had the chance to examine the packaging yet.. but the LP+CD version I bought (which I think is the official and cheapest version) looks like it has a ton worth checking out.

The Ratchets are a rootsy punk band that have some killer riffs and catchy as fuck choruses. Jimmy sent me an MP3 a few weeks back and told me that Dan from Plan-A Project (and the willowbrook mall skate shop) was in the band. He sent me Heart of Town, which I thought was great, so I figured I'd give their EP a shot. It sounds like a lot of things I haven't listened to in years.. but was certainly worth picking up. I believe their website is simply, check 'em out if you get a chance. --

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