Monday, October 24, 2005

Thus far I've watched the Devils ugly loss to the Rangers and the slightly less ugly victory over the Panthers. I have no doubt that hockey will pleasantly supplement the lack of baseball in my life these next few months. If you're offering up chips, Paul, I'm thurr. I'll bring the balloons, crackers, Orange Juice, soda bottle bongs, etc. **

While moving along at a dizzying pace, these past two weeks have been pretty awesome. Lots of fun, friends, booze, music, ringing ears, etc. etc. Fall is indeed living up to the hopes I had for it. **

The Hot Cops pictures from last weekend can be found here, courtesy of Miss Toni:

I think the pictures make the performance seem a whole lot better than I remember it being.**

We also played a party on Saturday night at my friend Oliver's house in Queens. I had really, really good time both playing and partying there. Dr. Frank from the Mr. T Experience was in attendance, which kind of rattled my nerves a little bit prior to doing our set. Four Budweiser's in about an hour calmed that down with the quickness, though. It ended up not mattering, he left before we went on.

Here are a few pics:

Clock-wise, from the top left:
Chadd as Wario and the Slaughterhouse Four, Some metal dude passed out on a couch, Carla giving a thumbs up that looks more like a punch, and Janelle and Anya almost making out. Sort of. --

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