This weekend was a whacky combination of relaxation, near-misses, and complete exhaustion. Friday night found me at Marissa's roommates', almost boyfriend's, roommates' birthday party. Free-ish booze at some bar with a nice view of, umm Queens. The party there was eventually moved to a bar downtown in which the birthday boy had called in advance to reserve a VIP room. The joke was sorta on him, though. The place had no VIP room. But whomever answered the phone when he called had creatively sealed off the coat room area and gladly took his VIP room money. I felt sort of bad for him... but he took it in stride (or was just too drunk to care).
The vibe of the place was a bit off, though. Seemed tense. It was a pretty nice night out so I grubbed a cigarette from Marissa'a non-smoking but smoking that night friend and took to the outside. Before that cigarette was done a windowed door was flung open and whacked me square in the head. The patrons inside were brawling. Yelling, screaming, chairs flying. It didn't hurt or anything, but it was a bit of a surprise. I stepped away to watch two other fighting folks tumble outside of the club. A female employee of the bar stepped in between them and the guy closer to me held up his hands truce-style and said "no more, no more, I'm done." He feigned walking away for a half-step and then swung around the employee and cracked the other guy in the head, making the loudest punch sound I've ever heard. A few fist pumps later, the dude who threw the punch was in a cab and off. I was way too sober for 4am on a Friday night and we thankfullyu took to Jersey City to finally get some sleep, seeing as we'd both been awake for nearly 24 hours at that point.. with only 5 hours of sleep before that.
Saturday was supposed to be relaxation day / party night.. but the party night never materialized for us. Got my oil changed, ate eggs benedict, bought a new shirt for work. Later we went to see Clerks 2 (more on that later). After that we ended up falling asleep before meeting up with the partyers. I gather that it was a swell time from the people I've talked to, though. Happy bursday, Niraj.
Sunday, finally feeling rested after a sober / early to bed night.. I decided to play afternoon soccer. I haven't played any soccer in over two years.. or even really done anything active since then... but the early September-feeling weather made it an impossible offer to refuse. I enjoyed myself.. felt and played very out of practice.. but it was definitely something I plan on doing more of. I returned home and was barely mobile, making any chance of going to the Birdsting / Terrible Friends Drunk-a-thon block party impossible to honor. I heard that was a swell time, as well.
While not very eventful, it was a good weekend that I think Marissa and I both enjoyed a bunch. ***
I've spent most of my workday reading through Kevin Smith's multi-part story on Jason Mewes' drug problem. It was one of the more entertaining things I've read on the internet in a long time. The first part of the story is
here. You can continue with the rest by using the calendar thing on the top right hand corner of the web page. It pretty much goes in order by date. Seems like a lot of the feelings Smith has for Mewes made it into the Randall / Dante Clerks 2 story arc, which (for me) made any cheesiness associated with those scenes vanish. The funny stuff was very funny and everything else was endearing at its worst. I liked the movie a lot more than I thought I was going to. --