Wednesday, June 24, 2009

1 comment:

paul said...

"In the beginning, Earthmaker made four wolf brothers: Blue Wolf (Blue Sky), Black Wolf, White Wolf, and Gray Wolf (Gray Fur). Only the gray wolf now lives on the surface of the earth, his brothers having been given abodes in the underworld. Gray Wolf is a guardian of mankind. Blue Wolf controls the day, Black Wolf controls the night, and White Wolf commands all things that are holy. "

[The white wolf/dog speaks, those who can may listen.]

...From the mythology of the Hotcâk (Winnebago) tribe. Some quick synchronistic fun facts:

The Hotcâk are fierce warriors that have been based in Wisconsin for thousands of years. Their homeland lay between Green Bay and Lake Winnebago in northeast Wisconsin but they dominated the area from Upper Michigan south to present-day Milwaukee extending west to the Mississippi.

Their social and governmental organization was rigid, with two groups, Sky and Earth, divided into clans. Each clan had specific responsibilities.

Wolf Clan (Cûktcâk Hik'ik'áradjera) is from the lower (earth) Moiety: At the present time, very little is known about the functions of the Wolf clan, yet we know the clan possessed powers of considerable importance.

Wolf Clan was in charge of health and safety. The Wolf Clan performed social welfare roles.

They are termed, after the Bear Clan, "minor soldiers," and when tribal expeditions cross a body of water, the Wolf Clan may be called upon to still the winds.

White wolf (Cûktcâksgawîga): Interestingly, the main white wolf story involves him resurrecting the dead whilst aiding in a battle against cannibal giants. White wolf, as well, is resurrected by the human whom he resurrected. When the resurrected human confronts the giants, they became afraid, seeing that he was risen from the dead. In terror the giants say to one another, "Let us never challenge them again -- there's no way that we can kill them." Synchronistically, the story also involves magic bracelets.

Full story of White Wolf and his (less evolved) human brother:

There are ~5 Wolf Clan origin myths: here's a couple:

An important characteristic is the statement that the original clan ancestor (deity) married a human being and from them the present members of the clan trace their descent (sound familiar?).

The Wolf Clan are said to have come from Ma'una (earthmaker); specifically, water. Therefore, their bodies are of water; i.e. their sacred possesion is water.

4 married wolves had a lodge in the middle of the ocean. They had four colors. They wolves all had children; one wolf had 10 children. The youngest of the 10 came to earth (land). As the wolves came up from the sea and swam to shore, they caused waves to travel before them. Therefore, one of their clan names is "wave." They first appeared as wolves and later became human.

In world mythology wolves are considered to be shape-changers. This aligns them with water, wind, and the moon. The shape-changing motif explains the strange association of the wolf (clansman) with water, as canines otherwise show no affinity for water.