Wednesday, September 09, 2009

10 years ago today I called in sick to work, headed to Electronics Boutique, and stood in line to pay the $180 balance of my Dreamcast pre-order. I’d also pre-ordered Soul Calibur, Ready 2 Rumble Boxing, Sonic Adventure, and NFL 2K. I tacked on an extra joystick and two VMUs. I think the whole shi-bang cost about $600, which at the time was the most money that I’d ever spent at once. For whatever reason, 9.9.99 is one of the most memorable days of the last 10 years, which is strange because roughly ten million things have happened that should be more memorable since.


Imri said...

i remember it pretty well too. i remember comin over, and thinkin nfl2k was the best looking game i'd ever seen. you know i still have a dreamcast n i think i'm gonna fire it up before the day is over.

Christopher said...

You fire her up? Mine's in storage in Wayne somewhere, I'd like to break it out again, too.

Imri said...

I did indeed, played through Rez and a little bit of Street Fighter 3. Kinda can't believe i haven't bought Rez HD yet.

Christopher said...

How much is that? For some reason I'm still thinking PS3 over XBox 360. Probably because i'm ill-informed more than anything.

paul said...

my brother just bought a ps3. he took many of my x360 games to get the price down. i bought uncharted cheap because i really am only interested in the sony exclusives. everything else i will play on xbox. but within ten minutes of playing the game it locked up. i then told him about it the next day and he said this happened to him also. we are talking about a 120 gb slim here. i dont know, there may be some issues with these fuckers. as long as it is not flashing the red rings i am good. but if it keeps locking like this it is going back.

paul said...

oh and the "dashboard" is a fucking mess. so counter intuitive and devoid of any information relevant to what you may be doing. case in point i tried to download flower off of psn and it comes up with a button that says "download in background." i hit it a bunch and never really saw any confirmation that it was doing anything. and when i went back to the download it always said 0%. well it turns out everytime i went back to it it started a new download. i think i have just under 10 copies of the game now. just weird shit like that.

Imri said...

that same thing happened to me while playing uncharted. apperently there is a new system update that fixes the glitch. all said i havent touched my ps3 since i got the 360 back from repair.

Christopher said...

Damn, I thought the XBox was one the one with the hardware issues.

One big piece for me is the joystick. I tend to hate the XBox joystick, but am generally cool with the PS3 pad.

I'm basically getting amped up about it for FF13, which I know isn't exclusive anymore. Hrmm....