Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Sorry it's been so quiet on los bloggos front. I've been busy trying to learn how to be happy with this being an adult thing. The first thing I'm trying to nix is my after-work computer use. It was pretty depressing when I realized that I'd been spending most of my free time the same way I spend it at work, hunched in front of an LCD screen. So I'm doing my best to ensure that my evenings are spent doing something physical, at band practice, or at least doing enjoyable things with enjoyable people.

Besides, the blog has always been best when I update from work.. and once I get a handle on my newish job I hope to keep this site up as part of my daily routine.*

I was looking through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive and found a very old version of in.circles present. You can find it here. That was the second incarnation of in.circles you see. Spanning my sophomore through middler (Northeastern speak for the third of five years) years. The first version of in.circles consisted of material from Ryan, Imri, and myself, mostly from my freshman year of college. The third version featured Paul and myself with rare updates by both, spanning from the summer of my middler year through the following summer. And the fourth is what you're reading right now. It features mostly me, sometimes Paul, and Jimmy once. It's Spanned from the summer of my junior year until right now. [end pointless tangent] --

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