Monday, March 28, 2005

Tracked down two leaked releases over the weekend...

Alkaline Trio's Crimson and Hot Hot Heat's Elevator. After one listen I've decided that the Alkaline Trio record isn't worth the bandwidth I used up downloading it. I didn't really expect any different, though.. so it's not like I'm dissappointed.

The single from Elevator, "Goodbye, Goodbye" led me to believe that the HHH record would be a lot more of the same sort of stuff that was on Make Up The Breakdown. However, the spastic rhythms and dancy feel has been traded in for more polished tunes that border on classic rock meets funk. It's definitely not as fun, but still very decent. I'm hoping that repeat listens will provide hidden treasure chests filled with staying power.

While I'm on the subject of records released in 2005 I've also spent some time listening to the new M83, Decemberists, and Crooked Fingers, with varying degrees of likeability. In order: M83 (which most definitely unveils treasure chests with said staying power), Decemberists, and Crooked Fingers. **

It looks like my commutes, at least for the short-term future, will be filled with PSP-time, rather than iPod time.. so I expect my musical ramblings will be temporarily replaced with rambling about making colored boxes line up and racing imaginary hover crafts affixed with lasers really fast around a track.

Since I've lost all of the eloquence I'd like to believe I once had whilist writing, take Tycho from Penny Arcade's words about the PSP instead:

If you want to know whether or not the Playstation Portable is good, it's a topic beyond debate. It isn't "good." It's important.

We have a relationship to the future that is odd, in that we are constantly trying to create the preconditions for events we expect to happen. We collaborate with linear time to engineer outcomes. There are, however, coordinates in this progression which serve as milestones of a sort: points we can refer to and declare as evidence of forward momentum. Holding the device made it clear. The "future" envisioned by my eight year old self has arrived. Now, we must invent new futures.

Rainy monday in NYC. Feels strangely refreshing. April showers bring May flowers and hopefully this week will bring my body sobriety. I've been drinking far too much, far too often lately. --

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