Friday, April 29, 2005

Just about every credible video game news outlet has been running pieces in the same vein as this slashdot thread these past few months. To be honest, I think it's absurd to think that the entire games indsutry is doomed to games with cadrillion dollar budgets, celebrity voice overs, and the same ole same ole just because historically new hardware and the eye candy that comes with it has been the primary growth driver. It seems like a no brainer to me, really... wait it out folks. It's still a young industry in terms of traditional arts/entertainment. There will be people demanding innovation and there will be innovative people meeeting that demand.

For every lame summer blockbuster there's a film like Sideways. For every Britney Spears there's a Stephen Malkmus. I expect the games industry to follow suit... eventually. **

Ranch 1 really is the greatest grilled chicken on earth. Well, at least if by Earth they mean the fast food industry.... regardless, delicious. --

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