Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I figured that switching over to the new Blogger might respark my interest in writing on this thing.. but as far as I can tell right now there's not a whole lot of differences, other than the fact that I'm now logging in through Google. Truth be told, I didn't even know that Google purchased Blogger, so shame on me for not being up on things.

It's been awhile. How are we? Good? Good. Christmas / New Years were both excellent. The former was spent down here in good ole Wayne, NJ and the latter up in Marissa's neck of the woods in Mass. Both allowed me a lot of great food, company, and relaxation. I was hoping to walk back into work this morning completely refreshed, but I've unfortunately come down with my first cold of the winter and it's hitting me pretty hard. If I had felt like this at my old job I definitely would've spent the day at home.. but since I'm trying to be a dedicated professional here at new job central, I'm going to suck it up. I can't imagine that starting off the first day of the year with a sick day is a good thing, anyway.

So, we've got both New York football teams in the playoffs this weekend. It's an all east coast brawl and I'm excited for both games. I don't mind the Patriots at all, in fact when I'm not watching NY football I always seek out the Pats, but seeing Big Boy Bell getting his ass handed to him by his former protege Mangini would make for a great story and a nice new reason to bicker with my New England born friends. The Giants have disappointed me (and everyone) so much this season that I honestly have a hard time caring about them winning... but my hate for all things Philadelphia is stronger than those apathetic feelings, so let's hope Eli turns into a big boy and Tiki gives us another performance worth remembering. --

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