Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Jersey Stinks. Oh well. Looks like I'm going to have a hard time blaming foul Jersey odors on Staten Island for awhile.

I know I wasn't imagining things because Marissa heard it, too... but no one else I've talked to noticed one of the announcer's of the Giants/Eagles game on Sunday noting in the fourth quarter that if the Giants were going to win they'd have to play "balls out". It was quite possibly the best thing that happened in either horrid NY football game this weekend. Yuck. Let's go Saints!

Ron & Fez are back on regular radio (92.3 Free FM, 6-9pm), which is pretty cool. Somewhere on the Free FM site exists podcasts of past shows... but I can't seem to find the link at the moment. It's hands down the most entertaining thing I've ever heard on the radio. I haven't listened to music in my car for quite some time.. lately it's been all talk via my iPod or the old fashioned FM air waves. I remember driving around with my father when I was younger and being completely bored by him listening to talk all day (Imus, Mike & the Mad Dog).. but with more or less no new music that I'm interested in these days, it seems to be the only way to keep me occupied while driving. Maybe I'm getting old. --

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