Thursday, September 13, 2007

More strange dreams last night. Apparently I worked and lived in the same building. Some weird old gaudy hotel in Manhattan. Throughout the work day I bounced back and forth between the two a lot, and each time I did something strange happened on the elevator. I remember a very large woman attacking me. A girl with a Russian accent violently squeezing my ass. A guy holding about 20 candy bars in his hands. I was always late getting back to my desk and always neglecting something at home.

Lots of new (to me, at least) music to listen to today: The Good Life's Help Wanted Nights, Hot Hot Heat's Happiness Ltd., the newish Mt. Eerie Mt. Eerie Parts 6 & 7, and the Lemuria split with Kind of Like Spitting Your Living Room's All Over Me.

Not much hope for the first two, but fall releases generally please me even if they're not quite up to snuff. We shall see....

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