Monday, August 18, 2003

Silly of me to not mention what started the fire.

The third floor unit of my building was rented out by 12 irish lads for the summer. There are only three bedrooms in the unit and only 5 people allowed on the lease. Our landlord's an idiot for turning a blind eye and these kids are pretty nasty for living on top of each other like they did. At any rate, these guys hung a neon Bud Light sign on their back porch and left it on 24 hours a day. Apparently it sparked, almost instantly igniting flames to a ratty old couch that they had on their porch which then in no time spread flames to the rest of the house like wild fucking fire. No one was injured, which is cool. What's not cool is that these 12 guys were laughing their asses off the whole time the place was up in flames - singing while the firemen were putting the fire down - and bee-lining it to the bar not long after the scene had settled down.

The fire inspector told us that he made his way up to the 3rd floor unit the morning after and found three of the former residents smoking fucking CRACK up there. Eventually I'll post some pictures from ground zero, as we've begun calling it, and when you see the shape of this apartment you'll see that it couldn't be better fit for mo' fuckin' crack-smoking.

It wasn't the way I wanted it to happen.. but I couldn't be happier to be out of mission hill for good. Read back to my rant from a few weeks ago, combine it with this bullshit, and it's probably easy to see why. Living up there has toughened my skin and taught me some good lessons. But it's also taught me that some people should be dis-allowed from pro-creating. I can't wait to get my ass a diploma. Get a fucking job and get to the fucking suburbs. ... or at least a nice neighborhood in the city.

Anyway, things have settled down for now and I'm doing my best to focus on this week's finals. After that it's home to Jersey for a few days of very much needed relaxation.

On a different note, I went to see Freddy Vs. Jason last night with Marissa, Jeannie, and mah nigga Cray-Z Fo' Sheazy. I enjoyed the intentionally kitschy way that the actors conversed and had a pretty decent overall time watching it. I commend the two ladies for coming out with us despite their reservations. I'm pretty sure Marissa spent more time laughing at Freddy's cheesy lines than being scared, which is good because I was worried that she might not quite love me as much after seeing one of my beloved Freddy movies. It looks like I'm in the clear.

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