Friday, September 12, 2003

11:49 PM 9/11/2003

on nights like this i know where to find you...

been obsessed with the crusades lately. interesting stuff. too bad school has started...
ah, you think. so far i have discussed the crusades in more than one class. seems to be a hot topic. alternatively my brother got an invite from the demolay youth group organization, which is odd.

my classes go like this, philosophy, american environment, multicultural lit, spanish renaissance lit, bio. nast-eeee. almost done, soon i will be able to live in squalor and have more kids than i can feed. ill beat them, cause theres no test to take to make sure i wont. plus, i can establish firm ideas of subordination - early.

i was talking to somone at some point about general human populations coming upon discoveries at generally the same time. i see it as a spout of human being we all drink from. in terms of sense of self and mans general grasp of whats whos and hows.

the air is at that crisp point. makes things crisp? put down my cat.

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