Thursday, August 31, 2006

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

i fucked around with the flickr badge nonsense and somehow came up with what you see...

does this work for you fellas? looking at the code i saw that when chris put up his he was trying to break the site... i also noticed that you had pic set to thumbnail whereas jimmy and i have it set to square... would you like me to change it back. i need feedback.
Finally added the flickr photo box to the side of the blog, following Pauly's lead (using Jimmy's pictures). I invite Paul to put his, umm, box up there, too. As his flickr pictures are probably some of my favorite pictures of all time. **

So I'm surrounded by chit-chatter about Bernanke.. and rates.. and the market.. and well, yuck. This job is a death sentence. Thankfully there's a few opportunities bubbling... no sure things yet, but hopefully one of them pans out, because my life will instantly improve tenfold if any of them does. Don't want to dedicate too many words to that, though.. no need to do any jinxing. **

I'm going to pick up the Arrested Development box set that Jimmy mentioned at some point this weekend. Tomorrow's payday... so I figure why the hell not? **

This article from the New York Post sums up why I love Joe Torre. It's one of many regarding the Carl Pavano fiasco and features a choice quote from Torre:

To gauge what the Yankees feel about Pavano, it's better to pay attention to what they don't say, as to what they do. That includes everyone. Joe Torre was asked if he was concerned about the way his teammates would receive Pavano if and when he's ever again healthy enough to pitch for the Yankees. Torre's greatest strength as a communicator, normally, is a pathological devotion to candor and frankness.

"Everyone has teammates," is the way Torre described it.

How pissed off do you think that Pavano and his agent were that the Yanks were rained out last night, leaving many-a-reporter with even more blank pages to fill than on the off day the day before? --

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Weeds, a fine, fine show on, uh, Showtime, just started it's second season, and it's already projecting itself to be fanfuckingtastic. Only gripe is that it's only a half hour each week, seriously, give u(me)s more. They play some really great music, I hunted some down for you.

Clicky here , it should bring up a little player. I suggest you listen through them all, I guarantee your ears perk up to something completely new and like, wow!

There's also if you're into the friends thing.

If you're already a fan, check out some podcasts with the cast.

The very best show on the good ol tele is, and still undisputed, The Shield on FX. It's gone through 5 seasons, which you can and should find on DVD. Without getting caught up in the rumors flying around, there should be a mini-season coming late this year /early next, and then the final season will air sometime in 2007. While I play the patient boy, Rescue Me has been good, and next week Nip/Tuck returns for what will surely be a season of "whaaat?" Long short, watch FX, other TV is pretty sucky compared.
Flickr is amazing, we all know that. The have another new feature, seems they are adding new ones all the time. Geomapping, you can add your photos to a map. Watch the quick vid here. To keep up with everything flickr has going on, be peepin' the

The 3rd season of Arrested Development comes out today, I think it's like $20 at Best Buy. I stupidly pre-ordered it and won't have it for a few days.

I believe the new Beck album comes today out too. Wired has an article about what he's doing with the cd, which sounds cool. His website is also pretty cool.

Monday, August 28, 2006

greatest photo taker ever

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Like NMH, I’ve been playing the piano and violin since I was six years old, and singing.”

White is selling his house in Detroit, he recorded "Get Behind Me Satan" there.

Haven't really heard of Kaki King, but this video is pretty neat. Cool song, and the fact that she's doing those loops on the fly, bad ass. Some of the other videos on YouTube reveal that she's got some crazy fingerplaying going on, but prolly not something I'd pursue past this little post.
Oh fuck

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Mutant" found dead in Maine.

I am going to try and upload to flickr everyday, at least one picture. Prolly be boring, but it's easier than writing here everyday, and it'll give me something to do. If all was right in the world, there'd be a little thing on the right side of this page where you can see our most recent flickr uploads, but it isn't.

Pitchfork thinks that the new Thermals record is their best yet. I'll admit, it's growing on me a bit as I become more familiar with the songs, but I still can't imagine ever enjoying it as much as I've enjoyed More Parts Per Million, which most definitely sits on my top 10 favorite records of all time list*.

Whilist fishing around for an official link about the newish Futureheads album, I found this link, giving us a 9/26 release date for the new Lemonheads album. 2006 has been a far better year musically than 2005 was, in my opinion. It kicked off with the Lawrence Arms Oh Calcutta! and has pretty much been great release after great release from some of my favorite bands ever since. With new Lemonheads, Ergs, and Les Savy Fav all in the pipeline, I'd say the year will continue accordingly.

But back to the Futureheads. I heard the single Skip to the End from News & Tributes for the first time in a hotel room in Venice, of all places. Marissa and I had to wake up at about 4am to catch our flight home... and Venice all but shuts down around midnight, so we took to plopping our exahusted bodies in front of the TV during the interim. We found an MTV owned channel that played all indie rock and experimental videos in between short films and animation clips that reminded me of the irrevrant type stuff MTV used to do in the early 90s. Much of it was in Italian, of course, so I wasn't exactly sure what was going on.. but I couldn't help but think that maybe I'd actually watch TV if we had something like it in the states. It was all commercial free, which certainly helped, and it was actually playing good videos by (mostly) good bands! I was transported back to being 14 and watching Nine Inch Nails' video for Wish on 120 minutes. The Skip to the End video was pretty neat, and I really dug the song a lot. I just finally got myself a copy of the album last night and I think I'm going to end up enjoying it a lot more than the first one, which started to annoy me after only a few listens. The sound is bigger.. the songs are sparser.. and it makes for an overall better listening experience, in my opinion.

Paul likes to rag on me for my incessant music links and generally over-enthusiastic recommendations, which I'm sure is mostly warranted. So instead of ranting further about the new pAper chAse album, I'll ask him what he thinks about it, if anything. --

* This list contains approximately 40 records.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Ok, maybe linking this video makes me some magical queer boy, but there's some cool shit if you got 8+ minutes. The flips and stuff are kinda giy, but when he goes into the buildings, he does some crazy shit. Big Dumb Me sitting here barely able to move my neck, color me impressed. Read a little more about Parkour. Shit, I wanted to post something else but Weeds is on. Go watch Weeds.
Today we celebrate the two week anniversary of my cold. Congratulations flu-like symptoms, you've shown that you've got some staying power. Now, please get the fuck out of my body.

I set out to make today a coffee-less day, but I was lagging hard. Couldn't get my head out of the fog. Sadly, the lunch time iced coffee got me going and I feel a little bit better. I guess there are worse things to be addicted to than caffeine, right?

This weekend was great. Although it went by, way, way too fast. There was Snakes on Planesing, Mets game watching, boozing, cooking, relaxing. More on that later, though.. as I've got a busy day of watching Yanks/Sox on MLB Gamecast today. --

Friday, August 18, 2006

This is bad, the worst Price Is Right contestant, ever. God I wanna drop-kick this fucking dolt. Fuck you Joy.

busted my @ss at work today. Month end, a lot of work to do. I was on four hours of sleep, but I kept my head down and powered through. I made my boss happy, even heard a co-worker comment on how good I’ve been doing. This make me proud? Not in the least. At 4:46 PM, while sitting on the plop-plop machine here at work, I beat Nanostray. I shall walk a little taller today my friends.
there was something i so wanted to talk about. have you heard about this snakes on a plane phenomena. i heard it was good. i heard sammy jackson delivers some choice lines. he called my cell phone the other day from jimmy's phone and delivered some choice lines. i remember reading somewhere that this type of thing could be bad. some sort of reader response movie becoming more common. whoever wrote the article about such things was under the impression this is the only time it would work, if it even is working.

but there is a concept for you. working. working hard at eating everything in sight. thats my new job. somedays my appetite is a force even i dont believe. a while back i went to lewey lake in ny state. a beautiful little alcove in hamilton county with some nice wilderness sites to camp out at. on the way back i got a ticket. woe. so i went to fight it and now i guess i have to go back again. they sent me a little letter, with all sorts of impossible requests. sorta like when i applied for my passport and sent them my original birth certificate. then they sent back that they needed some elementary school pictures, and my high school yearbook, hospital records, oh.. and my original birth certificate. that i thought was some mean joke. had to be?

well clouds. i posted a picture last nite of a cloud i saw then fucked with in gimp. i think there is more there than clouds. for example, freshly manifest deities from my subconscious. the paint hasnt even dried yet and youre already praying to them, ease up. these will be my allies in the upcoming war on something i choose to war against. fighting to find something right now and .. nothing.

so what, its a slump. i got stood up for a date i never made. that was depressing. self destruct mode. could usually grind out something positive, what with the music and endless possibilities for self entertainment, but when its not there a flashlight is useless. im walking around with three sections of the sunday times. front page, which has some stories ive been meaning to get to. week in review, has the op ed section where loons like to sign off. and travel, musing about ayurvedic healing spas in india. woe.

so i saw bill pascrell speak in little falls and as i was getting there someguy ambushed him for a picture to hang in his restaurant. room for 15 people held about 50 and i stayed for like 20 mins. dirge-like atmosphere. camera girl with a horribly scarred face taking pics from all over the place. and he talked about nonsense. to me at least. the audience was old and some lady in front of me must have thought him and her were kindred spirits, cause shed respond outloud to things he said, in a speech, one way, mono, monologue. when someones cellphone went off and the congressman got upset she was also vocally upset, people actually looked at her like, not only have we collectively harmed big william pascrell, but his confidant. his lackey. then we all chuckled and that girl took some more pictures and he said lets talk about the environment, people clapped, he said im no tree hugger, and someone said why not.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

You can vote for MLB Comeback Player(s) of the Year here, as long as you give out all of your personal information to a company that specializes in thinking about your dick. My votes went to Nomar Garciaparra and Frank Thomas. Thomas had a .245 AVG and hit just 30 home runs combined in the 2004 and 2005 seasons. While this year he's at .305 with 25 homers with about 40 games left to play. Not too shabby for a 38 year old. I picked Nomar because I've always kind of liked the guy, despite his Red Sox roots. I'm glad he's healthy and I hope he finds himself that way for awhile... because when he is he's pretty nasty. I'll never forget seeing him at The Living Room in Boston, a few weeks before he was traded to The Cubs. It was the night of a Yankees / Sox game, and the majority of the patrons were crowded around the big screen. I made a wrong turn on my way to the bathroom and found a back room that was empty except for Mr. Garciaparra, sitting at a table by himself sipping whiskey. I certainly wasn't as surprised as most other people when I heard of his being traded a few weeks later. ***

I've got a date with the Apple store on 5th Avenue at lunchtime today, hopefully to get my iPod fixed.. again... for the fifth time. ***

The woman at the desk next to me at work, Linda, is eating the most disgusting smelling thing ever. It's chicken.. but it comes out of a can, tuna fish style. I had a discussion about this with her once about a year ago... and from that was able to figure out that she's able to buy two cans of this stuff for about the same retail cost of one Chicken McNugget. If any correlation between cost and meat quality exists... well, this shit is probably the most vile food on the planet. Plus it's all over her face right now. Goddamnit, Linda.. get a napkin! Ugh. I'm going to fucking puke. --

Monday, August 14, 2006

carry the light, i suppose...

silly willy mason, singing oxygen in glastonbury (2005)
In the years 2005 and 2006 I've been sick more than the rest of my life combined. I feel like at least once every two months I've got some kind of sore throat, stuffy nose, chest cold, head cold, or some other nonsense going on. I found this list of things to boost your immune system somewhere, which makes it seeems pretty obvious why I'm constantly on the mend:

* Washing your hands thoroughly and often with soap and warm water, particularly before eating and after using the bathroom. This reduces the number of organisms that can enter your body. -- At least I've got this one down. I wash my hands obsessively, but hopefully not so obsessively that I've screwed around with my immunity to bacteria.

* Cooking meat thoroughly to kill dangerous bacteria and other microorganisms. -- I just began ordering my meat medium but for 24 years it was always medium rare, which is still far more delicious and something I indulge in occasionally.

* Getting at least eight hours of sleep every day, deep sleep stimulates and energizes the immune system. -- I probably average less than six hours of sleep per night. Although for a small stretch (Feb of this year) I was averaging above seven and felt much, much better.

* Maintaining a healthy weght, obesity can lead to a weakened immune system. -- I weigh the same now as I did when I was 16... which was not very much even then, does that mean anything?

* Excercising at least 30 minutes most days of the week, physical activity stimulates the immune system and helps with weight maintenance or reduction. -- I haven't been regularly active since 7/05 and it can be argued that I was half-assing it then. The last time I was active every day was the fall of 2002, a time in which I weighed about 20 lbs more than I do now.

* Consuming alcohol moderately, while one drink does not appear to affect immune response, having three or more drinks in a short period starts to impair white blood cells' functioning. -- Fug to this one. I drink at least four nights a week and very rarely drink less than three drinks. I don't drink like I did in college and wouldn't really be upset if I had to cap myself at three drinks every outing.. but some things (baseball, rock-n-roll) just seem to go a little bit better with a six pack.

* Eating less sugar. 100 grams of sugar, the amount in one 12-ounce can of regular soda, can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs by 40 percent for up to 5 hours! -- Have you ever seen me drink coffee? Eight sugar packets, minimum. I have given up soda, for the most part... and try to drink one glass of water with every meal, but even that's nowehere near the eight per day people say you should have.

* Not smoking. Smoking leads to lung and other cancers, and also weakens the immune system. -- I'm nowhere near the two pack a week smoker I was in college. But it's still rare that a week goes by in which I don't have at least one smoke. Always harder to hold off during the summer.

* Reducing and managing stress, such as effective time management — long periods of feeling stressed weakens the immune response. -- I work for a bank and although I have free time to blog and send emails to friends, every bit of work I do usually affects millions of dollars. Any screw ups are generally very, very big deals and getting things right can sometimes be incredibly stressful. Working on a trading floor means people are on top of me all of the time. Phones ring off the hook and there are over 100 other people in the same room as me who are very good at being distracting. Add to that the hour plus bus commute each way in NYC rush hour traffic, the fact that I rarely get to eat lunch anywhere but my desk, and the long hours... my mind is usually spinning by the time I get to my pillow, which is usually about two hours after I'd like to due to trying to cram things I enjoy into a few hours each night.

* Getting the vaccines recommended by your health care provider. -- Umm, what vaccines? ***

Of the ten suggestions, I score well on exactly one of them. I don't think I'll ever be able to nail down all of the other nine at once, but reading that definitely makes me feel like I need to take care of myself a little better. By the end of this month I'd like to try and sleep more every night, eat a little better which will hopefully put a little more weight on me, run or do some kind of activity at least once per day, hold off on grubbing that cigarette that always makes me feel terrible the next morning anyway, and get a job that stresses me out less (fingers crossed). With those, hopefully I'll be able to keep enjoying a lil' booze, my coffee nice and sweet, and mediumly cooked meat. But man, I've gotta do something now. This being sick and tired all the time is the pits. --
If anyone has that Anthony and the Johnsons cd, send it my way.

and Fez are still Today! As of now they are only on XM, but has tons of clips for downloading. Here are some to get you started. Burn em to a cd, play em in your car, whatever.

How many 9 year old can you beat up, in a ring?
Jessica Simpson's Christmas Album
"The way I see it, more people are wired with broadband from 9 to 5 during the day than watch TV at night. So therefore isn't the real prime time 9 to 5?" he wonders. "Playing games at your desk -- that's the new prime time, isn't it?".

It's not the best article in the world. But I've been more interested than usual in how the slightly older generation is responding to the way my generation consumes entertainment / media. ***

I'm pretty fried. Everything that was supposed to happen this weekend went down without a hitch. I wanted to choke my alarm clock this morning, but I'm not the least bit unhappy about the fatigue now that I'm out and about. The Barnyard was fun, if a bit tame. The Yankee game was fun, if a bit uneventful (we got there in the 2nd, it was 5-1 and ended 5-2). Recording was a hell of a lot of fun, even though I had to sort of play double duty because my mom had decided to invite family over for a BBQ, too. There was a lot of running up and down the stairs... flipping between being "helpful recording intern" and "elder son of family" for 30 minutes at a time. I think I sort of failed at both, to be honest. But the little bit of time I got to dedicate to each was well suited for a fun and perfectly weathered weekend. The Steinways sounded great. Their songs represent them perfectly. They're just a fun, easy going bunch that are tons of fun to hang out with. I was a little nervous about how they felt about recording in my basement... but I think they left more than impressed with what was accomplished with Jimmy's equipment / knob tweaking and the unique layout of my basement. I believe all told 10 songs were completed in just about 24 hours, of which 7 or so were spent sleeping. I can only hope that recording TTT and The Ergs goes as well... and I've got no reason to think it won't. Each of The Steinways, on multiple occasions, would say things along the "thanks so much for the hospitality" and "thank so much for letting us take over your place" varities.. but I honestly can't think of many other things that I'd rather be doing with my weekends/living space. Music, food, fun. Photos here. ---

Friday, August 11, 2006

Hola. My calendar reads August 11th, but the crisp weather that hit me this morning felt more like late September to me. No complaints there, fall-chilly mornings are my favorite. I'm going to take that as a good omen, as it's the weather I've always associated with new beginnings, which is exactly what I'm pulling for right now. For eighteen or so years it was a new school year. For five years after that it was a new apartment and new classes. It's been stagnant the last two years of my post graduate life, though. If my gut is right (it is very often wrong), things could be-a-changing soon - and for the better.

It is still summer, though... and the chilly mornings are quickly replaced with hot afternoons, which is a good thing as it allows for all kinds of outdoor activities. If all goes as planned, tonight will find a handful of Wayne-ites enjoying some beverages outside at The Barnyard and tomorrow will find Marissa, my brother, drummer Jeff, and me at Yankee Stadium, enjoying some afternoon baseball. I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing Jaret Wright pitch. He wouldn't be my first choice... but Wang and Moose just got knocked around quite a bit.. and Johnson got shellacked the last time we were at the stadium. Wright's actually been pretty solid his last few starts (4-0), so I'm hoping for the best. Psyched to see Abreu in uniform as well.

By the time I get home from the game, Marissa will be enjoying her weekend with her parents and Jimmy will be getting recording started with the Steinways at my house. We've sorta been keeping it mum through the usual channels... but The Steinways, Tattle Tales, and Ergs (well, maybe just Mikey last I heard), along with Hot Cops will each be spending some time at my house these next few weeks recording what we hope to be kick-ass four band 7" for Formula 7. Jimmy's been doing some great recording lately, Corey's commited to making it a great release, and I'm just excited to be a part of it. The people in those bands are excellent people that make some very excellent music, and I am so happy that we're finally breaking ground, so to speak, on getting this sucker done. **

I'm a little tired from last night's Birdsting-o-thon at Maxwell's, but more on that later. --

Thursday, August 10, 2006

high risk behavior.

'mornin everay buddy.

so where did we leave off. my brother is in south america, chile. he is there for the second time in as many years. USSA stuff, skiing and what not. at the last minute he wanted to bring another pair of skis, which would mean he was bringing 3 pair. if i may butt in for a minute and let you know that i went through high school skiing competitively all four years and i had one pair of skis, that broke the first year. so now you know why i push him down stairs. but i like skiing and i miss it, and with those same skis ill still beat him down a mountain no matter what you put in front of me. super g, slalom, jumps. im a fucking lunatic.

oh sweet luna. you comfort me with your warmth and impress me with your maternal vigil. did anyone happen to see her sweetness rising on the horizon last nite? mmmm

so we received an email from his highness saying he fell hard the first day and broke his newest skis, super g fuckers, but that their chaperone had some magic ski glue and buttered em up. the next day they got dumped on, 3 foot of snow fell in the nite. that mother fucker.

the other day i let the imagery of eyes wide shut bathe my mind. i had to, you understand. i had an article forwarded to me by jenn, who received it from ryan, who stumbled across it in a fever dream. you can find that little gemerald here:

oh we yearn, and our souls burn for something we cant understand. come with me for a moment, lets dance above the clouds, flirt in the thin air of atmosphere; a party! what does it matter, up there where life is so still, and grows stiller. or down in the mud, grinding away with the earthworms and maggots, teeming with life and decomposition, building another layer for life centuries away. nutrients, sustenance, the evidence of lifetimes past soaking into the very things which provide for you today. becoming you. urging you towards an understanding that is only present once you pass on, longing and crying for you to exist with care, coddle creation in your heart and dare to take such a miracle for granted. mmmmmm I HATE YOU

woo. so i was here:

yesterday between the hours of 2 and 7pm. speaking with my friend charlie. of value, of life. alan watts. "load universe into cannon. aim at brain. fire." etc.. please visit him, i know you will take something from it, and he could use the business. but it isnt all about business.

so i took melatonin for three nites straight. reading from this youd think it was some sort of miracle enzyme:

i cant say it promoted a healthy sleep. the three nites i took it i was restless as hell. i didnt necessarily feel unrested in the morning, i just know that in the course of the nite i was up more than usual. two people i know that have taken it have reported nitemares; vivid, dark, unsettling imagery. but others report no such thing. i didnt get that. fuck it.

if you havent done so already check out jimmy's "holmes" featurette on his flickr. i look to imitate him whenever i can in regards to such "holmes." i could see the question mark was emphasized.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Luckily, my cold subsided for a bit this morning, allowing me to enjoy the beautiful weather and also perform swimmingly in a job interview. It was a breath of fresh air to have it go as well as it did. In fact, I'd wager that it's one of the best I've ever had. I'm hopeful, but know better than to get my hopes up too high. I've been pretty choosy about the sort of jobs I seek out since deciding I needed to get my ass out of banking in order to save my life, and this is one that finally meets all of the criteria I'm looking for. On the perks side, let's just say this: it involves video games and music on a daily basis... Guitar Hero tournaments at work... and the company has internally developed an audio application on their network that allows people to import CDs, play them jukebox style for the whole office (first picked, first played), and then allow people to leave comments regarding certain tracks, etc. Bad Ass. I'm sure I'm up against some stiff competition, but with any luck I'm not the only one who felt that I was perfect for the job. I won't find out until next week, either way, which is a bit stressful. Until then I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. My cold came back not too long after I mosied on in to my current job (one hour and 15 minutes late, without giving my boss any notice)... leading me to think that my severe hatred for this place is messing with my body as well as my head. **

I finally picked up the sort of newish self-titled Broken Social Scene album in between my interview and work this morning. I initially Soulseeked it and cast it to my "eh" pile when I first heard it last winter. However, I gave it another spin surrounded by warm weather recently and it took on a whole new life. I've been listening to it non-stop since and decided it was definitely worthy of purchase. The artwork is swell. And the booklet even better. Check 'er out:

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Who gets a cold in the summertime? Seriously. The girls in the coffee shop downstairs prescribed chamomile tea with honey and lemon. It tastes like an arts and crafts store, but I think it's actually soothing the throat a little bit. Boo-ya. **

Last night Jimmy, Ryan, Corey, and I entertained ourselves by drinking various lagers, playing multiple games of Virtua Tennis, and last but certainly not least.. gluing ourselves to Birdsting's You Tube videos. I warn you, though. Crappin Flaps is not for the faint of heart. Watching Birdsting in action is enough to make you never want to play music again. They're the real fuckin' deal and if they don't die, you can bet your ass that they're going somewhere. **

This morning's weather was perfect. Getting on the bus was horribly depressing. --

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Thursday, August 03, 2006

good morning everybody.

a life of ups and downs, if i do say so. right now my cats are in the "nono" room. i can easily get hunter out by opening the food drawer, but ive called sally for a while and she aint comin out. so where the door to the nono is usually closed now i have to leave it open allowing for passage. hopefully all i get are my cats back and not something bearing ill tidings. i guess those things are out there and i can say that lately im becoming more and more aware of the forces at play outside of my personal sphere (or that have the potential to impress on my sphere).

Everything in life is speaking, is audible, is communicating, in spite of its apparent silence.

i played catch up with my page a day calendar today because doing it a day at a time is entrapment. i came across the above passage and it struck me, because its a topic of recent focus for me. i suppose i have been taking many things for granted. im lucky to have the attention of various people at my disposal, at any moment. ive been thinking about intent, and just what im trying to convey, and how to convey it. something that was important to me has now graduated to a new level. im going to work on being more clear in my intentions, positive in my outlook, and certain that when i have someones audience i will not waste it with the byproduct of my daily living but something im attuned to and passionate about. and i will work to make this happen and make my thoughts clear. this is very important to me.

where i call myself lucky i dont mean this forum. this is something else, a digression.

anyways, its interesting to see the effects of the heat on living things, is it not. lets hold conference. oh, josh cut his finger off fixing a lawnmower. here is a pic:

My office has CNBC on 24/7. I just glanced over and saw a headline that read "Pump and Dump". I've worked too many hours this week to work out a punchline. **

My house tonight... Virtua Tennis, Ping-pong, new Monkey Ball (courtesy of Jim), and booze. 9 o'clock. Be there and be square. **

and this. --

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

NJ's own Lifetime, is a band that isn't really that good, and seem to be more popular now than they were a few years ago when they were actually relevant. Admittedly I was never a fan, but I did really like the 2nd Saves The Day CD, which, c'mon, is pretty much the fucking same thing. Anyway, Lifetime had a chick bass player for a while, now a stripper in Union, got arrested last week for having a severed hand in her posession. Classy.

Ean Hernandez, the peppier, sillier songwriter from Sicko, is packing up and moving to England with his wife. He's keeping a blog about it. You can also surf around and find out some more personal information about him if you'd like.

" The current plan is as follows:

July 28 - quit jobs
July 29 - BIG luau at Tasha's
August 1 to 30 chillllll
August 30 - vacate house, fly ONE WAY to the UK
September 4 - meet mom at Heathrow
September 15 - Reba comes out
September 19 - Reba goes to Greece with Leah, Austen, Marshall, and others
October 8 - Reba comes back to Oxford Mom Trip"

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Despite my lame geekery over most things electronis, I've never really been too hip on what's what with cell phones. I picked up my first a few years ago and took the bland set they gave me. Ever since then I've just gotten whichever one was free when I re-signed my contract. Once I even exchanged a camera phone for a black and white set because the colors were annoying. I must admit, though, I'm a bit intrigued by this. I have an iPod (well, sort of.. my 5th one just conked out on me last week) so the MP3 functionality is just an added bonus (heard it's only a 520mb flash drive... less than a feakin iPod shuffle).. but.. well, it just looks sexy. I like great design.. and even though this is so glaringly copped from Apple that it's sort of embarassing, I certainly wouldn't mind carrying it around in my pocket. If I wasn't in the market for a new phone I probably wouldn't have even noticed the posters for the Chocolate phone all around the city, but since my current handset's speaker decided to blow out on me, rendering it pretty much useless, I guess I'm susceptible to the pitch.

On an unrelated note, Volkswagen's making Rabbit's again. I can't imagine at that price that they're even made in Germany (I don't think non Wolfsberg Jetta's are anymore, either). I was bored at work so I built one... and found out that after you do you can play a video that puts your designed Rabbit in a weird video with an actual Rabbit. They eventually breed and you're allowed to re-create the video with the offspring. VW is down with incest, apparently. Crazy Germans.

Pulling a 13 hour day here at work. I hear it's hot outside. --
In other Thermals-related news, I ordered this the other day. I figured I didn't have much of a chance of actually getting one, since the blurb says there are only ten... but I just received my shipment confirmation. Bad ass.

You can pick up some pretty cool Modest Mouse tour posters here. They had some dates scheduled in August, but are busy finishing the new album, so the cancelled. New album.

May or May Not - Work By Nine


I wonder how many celebrities are on flickr, I'd like to find some. Rosie is.