Wednesday, August 30, 2006

i fucked around with the flickr badge nonsense and somehow came up with what you see...

does this work for you fellas? looking at the code i saw that when chris put up his he was trying to break the site... i also noticed that you had pic set to thumbnail whereas jimmy and i have it set to square... would you like me to change it back. i need feedback.


Christopher said...

The actual images are blocked from here, but even with those exxed out I say it looks like exactly the kind of thing I had in mind. The only suggestion I have is that it would be swell to have each person's image box attributed to a person.. but no big rush on there. Hell, I might even be able to figure out how to do that. (probably wrong).

I noticed the size difference yesterday, but never got a chance to log back in and change it. Got biz-e and whatnot. Other than that I just pasted their code directly in, even lamely leaving the comment code type stuff. Anyhoo, yeah dude. You rule.

paul said...

i dont understand, could you see them before and what i did broke it? or you could never see them?

and attributed to a person, what do you mean, the way it was? each person with a box? or some way of defining whos pics in what box?

paul said...

just made everyone's a thumbnail, all that extra space, why not...

labeling the photos is beyond me, i dont think its necessary, but i also dont think the profile pics are necessary...

Jimmy said...

Cool. There is an option to put them along top horizontally which I think might be cool, but the way they are is fine. On the labeling each persons thing, I don't think it matter much, you can just scroll over the pic and see it....and if you like the pic and want to see it, just click and it'll take you there. Good work, I should come up with some more homework for you deviants. There's one right there, teach me how to spell deviants.

Christopher said...

Ignore what I wrote before. Everything is blocked from work, so the true awesomeness of this was hidden from me. Good fucking work, dude. I likey.

paul said...

chris, you crazy mang... straight crazy

Christopher said...

Blame my IT Dept, brah. It made what you did look like a blank gray box with Xs in it. From home, though - and everywhere else that doesn't suck - it looks like the shiznit.