Luckily, my cold subsided for a bit this morning, allowing me to enjoy the beautiful weather and also perform swimmingly in a job interview. It was a breath of fresh air to have it go as well as it did. In fact, I'd wager that it's one of the best I've ever had. I'm hopeful, but know better than to get my hopes up too high. I've been pretty choosy about the sort of jobs I seek out since deciding I needed to get my ass out of banking in order to save my life, and this is one that finally meets all of the criteria I'm looking for. On the perks side, let's just say this: it involves video games and music on a daily basis... Guitar Hero tournaments at work... and the company has internally developed an audio application on their network that allows people to import CDs, play them jukebox style for the whole office (first picked, first played), and then allow people to leave comments regarding certain tracks, etc. Bad Ass. I'm sure I'm up against some stiff competition, but with any luck I'm not the only one who felt that I was perfect for the job. I won't find out until next week, either way, which is a bit stressful. Until then I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. My cold came back not too long after I mosied on in to my current job (one hour and 15 minutes late, without giving my boss any notice)... leading me to think that my severe hatred for this place is messing with my body as well as my head. **
I finally picked up the sort of newish self-titled
Broken Social Scene album in between my interview and work this morning. I initially Soulseeked it and cast it to my "eh" pile when I first heard it last winter. However, I gave it another spin surrounded by warm weather recently and it took on a whole new life. I've been listening to it non-stop since and decided it was definitely worthy of purchase. The artwork is swell. And the booklet even better. Check 'er out:

used to be one of the wretched ones and i liked you for that...
That doesn't just go away, senor. Just manifests itself in different ways.
its a line from broken social scene...
im starting to think you just cash the label's checks and not even listen to the albums...
You can understand the words on that record? Whether it's the guy or girl singer I usually can make very little of it out.
you have a point, i guess i looked it up, i retract my statement and see where you got confused... but comeon, you were never wretched.. were you?
Nah. But I figured if you thought I was that hadn't vanished - maybe just changed or something. Birdsting at Maxwell's tonight. Come, I'll sneeze on you. They're on at 10.
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