Tuesday, August 15, 2006

You can vote for MLB Comeback Player(s) of the Year here, as long as you give out all of your personal information to a company that specializes in thinking about your dick. My votes went to Nomar Garciaparra and Frank Thomas. Thomas had a .245 AVG and hit just 30 home runs combined in the 2004 and 2005 seasons. While this year he's at .305 with 25 homers with about 40 games left to play. Not too shabby for a 38 year old. I picked Nomar because I've always kind of liked the guy, despite his Red Sox roots. I'm glad he's healthy and I hope he finds himself that way for awhile... because when he is he's pretty nasty. I'll never forget seeing him at The Living Room in Boston, a few weeks before he was traded to The Cubs. It was the night of a Yankees / Sox game, and the majority of the patrons were crowded around the big screen. I made a wrong turn on my way to the bathroom and found a back room that was empty except for Mr. Garciaparra, sitting at a table by himself sipping whiskey. I certainly wasn't as surprised as most other people when I heard of his being traded a few weeks later. ***

I've got a date with the Apple store on 5th Avenue at lunchtime today, hopefully to get my iPod fixed.. again... for the fifth time. ***

The woman at the desk next to me at work, Linda, is eating the most disgusting smelling thing ever. It's chicken.. but it comes out of a can, tuna fish style. I had a discussion about this with her once about a year ago... and from that was able to figure out that she's able to buy two cans of this stuff for about the same retail cost of one Chicken McNugget. If any correlation between cost and meat quality exists... well, this shit is probably the most vile food on the planet. Plus it's all over her face right now. Goddamnit, Linda.. get a napkin! Ugh. I'm going to fucking puke. --


Michael Anthony said...

Hm your baseball posts are a lot less angry than mine.

I voted for Carlos Beltran and Jim Thome.

Christopher said...

I like the Thome vote. I probably should've went that route, too. Nostalgia kicked in, though.. remembering Thomas crushing balls when I was younger.

Baseball is where I go to not be angry!

Michael Anthony said...

Best overall hitter in baseball for a few awesome years in the early 90s.

I guess I take my aggression out on baseball teams and players. And announcers - especially announcers.

Subway Series this year?

Christopher said...

"I probably should've went that route, too." sounds horrible. I meant to write gone. But I'm not sure if "went" isn't proper English.. hrmm..

Yeah, it's weird with announcers now. The Fox / ESPN announced games are always a joke... and big markets all have their own networks now. At least SNY acknowledges the Yankees. If you just watched YES you'd barely know that another NY baseball team existed.

Michael Anthony said...

Hey man, kind of a weird thing, but I noticed you had some iPod trouble, and mine is totally crapping the fuck out. What exactly happens when you bring it in to the store? Do you have to buy a new one? Can they rescue any data? Like I don't care about the mp3's - obviously I have them or can get them somewhere else - but I have a bunch of "voice memos" stored on there, like song snippets that I recorded on there that don't wanna lose. Just curious.